Monday, 26 November 2012


Ah, Christmas!
There are less 30 days to go and I am getting a little bit excited!

This time of year is so crazy and I always try to get organised for Christmas early but I never am! Surprisingly, I am organised this year. I've got most of the gift shopping done but still need to get gifts for family members and friends.

The Christmas tree is going up on the 1st. We stick to tradition and always put the tree up on first. Everyone in the family owns a special Christmas decoration. The youngest child always puts the angle on top of the tree and we all kiss her before she goes on top.

So tell me, do you stick to tradition and put the tree up on the first?


Images via Pinterest.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Simple Goals.

Spend lots of quality time with family and friends.
This time of year is so crazy, there is so much happening. I want to spend more quality time with family and friends I love.

Blog more.
I need to take time out to blog at least 2 times a week.

Practice photography.
I love photography and this season I want to challenge myself to try new things.

Be Organized.
I must to get organized for Christmas.

Do you have any goals your working towards at the moment. I’d love to hear them.

Za x

Friday, 16 November 2012

This week.

This week has been full of sickness, napping, coughing and sickness. But it is finally Friday! 

Tomorrow I plan to get my hair trimmed and to take some photos and on sunday maybe a beach visit.  What do you plan on doing this weekend?

Did I mention I'm a tiny bit jealous of my mum, she is going to the Cold Play concert! Lucky! 

Za x

Thursday, 15 November 2012

I love gift wrapping.

I love to give people presents. I also really love to wrap them. I always try to go to a bit of effort when wrapping a gift.

I especially love to use brown paper, string and washi tape.
Below are three cute DIY gift wrapping ideas using brown paper.

Twinkling neon star stickers look great on brown paper! So sweet for Christmas wrapping.
If you have forgotten to buy a card, just cut out some big circles and write your message on that.
Neon circle stickers, add brown twine string to finish the gift off.
Za x

Tuesday, 13 November 2012


Hi everyone,

I am thinking about buying a new lens. I just can’t choose which one to buy, there are so many!

When I brought my canon eos 600d it came with two lenses;  18-55mm and 55-250mm. They are great lenses but I would like to get more into portrait photography.

What is your favorite lens and why?

Za x

Sunday, 11 November 2012


It's only 1pm and it feels so much later.  So what have I done today? Well, let's see.
I woke up this morning at 8:30am. By 10am I had jogged 2k, cleaned 2 bathrooms and tidied the house. I've just finished baking cookies and they are delicious! Now I'm off to do the groceries.
What are you up to on this beautiful spring day?

Za x

Saturday, 10 November 2012

10 on 10 *November.

10 on 10.

This is a photography project where you take 10 photos on the 10th day of each month. Photographers I am following so far are Rachel, Angie, Chantelleand Rowe.Hi Girls! :)

Here are my 10 photos.

*Banana Cake* Curls *Gracie meow meow* Books *Iphone time* Flower from the garden *Dreaming of traveling the world* Driving past the beach *Hair Braid* Dinner*

Let me know if you start the 10 on 10 project too – would love to follow along!

{all photos taken with my canon eos 600D}

Friday, 9 November 2012


While I was in Wollongong the other day I spotted whales!   Luckily I had my camera!